What your shoes say about you

When you walk into a shoe store you are introduced to a gallery of designs, patterns, and of course the most important, how they come off to other people. Everyone has their own taste in shoes and we all lean to different variations and designs. When you buy a pair of shoes we all have to admit, you feel on top of the world. Rocking a clean pair of kicks can make your confidence change dramatically  in the matter of seconds. But what kind of shoes make you feel like you are worth 1000 bucks?

The slip ons 

If you have a pair of these iconic shoes, which you probably do, then you are among the rest in the world for having basic shoes. Congrats! But all jokes aside these are an important staple piece in many people's closets. With the focal points of conformity and popularity,  These trendy kicks come in all different brands, colors, and patterns. These are easy shoes to slide on if you are in a rush but still wanna look presentable. It can also be dressed up to look classy, these are also pretty inexpensive. With the leading brand of slip on shoes being vans with a price point of only  50-70 dollars. If you'd ask me that'd be pretty reasonable especially because people are now cruising around with a down payment of a house on their feet.

The running shoe 

This is a necessity, that's if you are actually moving around… nowadays that is rare. But anyways, many brands compete with each other to be on top, but all of them have different things to offer, such as the comfortability, the support it gives you, the durability, and style. Most I see are Nike, by seeing their ads on TV, or on people around town. They make a wide variety of different fits of sneakers, but they all are reasonably expensive yet affordable. With a range of 80$ to 300$ in my eyes they all do the same thing, however there are benefits to each pair. If you are a professional runner I would see you investing in a good pair that make you feel comfortable at all times. But besides that if you are just going a rare monthly jog like the rest of us, the cheaper option would be good for you. Unless you want to get a high end pair to look like you are doing the work, but you are not actually doing it. Smart, I should try that.

High end shoes 

One thing to say… MONEYYY! If you are rocking a pair of these, you are probably trying to impress people, it's working btw. Every time I see someone with nice kicks like this, I'll admit I stare for a few long seconds… then proceed to pray I win the lottery.  Shoes like this can get you bankrupt with there prices averaging thousands of dollars for just one pair, yeah I kn0w crazy the most expensive Nike shoe ever made was the Nike MAG “Back to the Future” which is now going for 85,000+ on reselling websites, but however shoes like this are seen all over, on celebs all over the world, on sneakerheads that collect shoes and preserving them for later generations, and the resellers  that snag a pair and sell them for quadruple the amount. I would be beyond ecstatic if I ever got a very high end shoe,  but for those that do… be aware everyone is definitely taking a few glances. 

Off brand shoes 

If you are among the people that have these shoes, you are just trying to get stuff done, no need to impress anyone. You probably live by “if it covers my foot, it's a great shoe” and that is a good way to think, I mean if it gets the job done.. Who cares what it looks like, these shoes are very inexpensive, but sometimes it varies depending on the design and quality of the shoe. Even though you’d be saving some cash, most of these off brand shoes are more likely to get damaged easier than other brands. A popular off brand shoe such as Skechers can cost you a low amount of 30$, after consisting the proof this is a very good option for a lot of people, no need for flashy shoes that can but you a few puppies. These shoes might just be taken for granite... But you have to be the judge of that.

After seeing all different types of kicks all around us, which ones do you see yourself buying most often, do you think you'll stick with the ones you feel comfortable with? or try  switch it up for once? Whatever you decide we will be by your side showing you all the different types of shoes and how they come of to others, but for now just keeping rocking YOUR kicks.  


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